Mitschrift: The Endless Summer
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SpongeBob: (singing) I’m off to work at the Krusty Krab frying up Patties and bladdity blab!
(He stops singing and we see The Krusty Krab with a smoke stack. Inside, a car pumps exhaust through a tube to the ceiling.)
dt.: (singt)
SpongeBob: Huh? That’s new. Strange place to park a car. What’s this for? (He pulls off the tube and gets tangled in it) dt.: Huh? Das ist neu. Aber das ist ein seltsamer Platz, um ein Auto zu parken. Wozu dient das?
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob! You're wasting my precious carbon dioxide! dt.: SpongeBob!
SpongeBob: Carbon Dioxide? dt.: Kohlenstoffdioxid?
Mr. Krabs: I’m pumpin' it into the atmosphere, boy. Thanks to Global Warming the temperature will soon go through the roof. And then we'll have an endless summer. dt.: Ich pumpe es in die Atmosphäre, Minjung. Dank der globalen Erwärmung wird die Temperatur steigen und dann werden wir einen endlosen Sommer haben.
SpongeBob: Why do you want an endless summer Mr. Krabs? (They go outside, where there is a swimming pool.) dt.: Warum wollen Sie einen unendlichen Sommer haben, Mr. Krabs? (Sie gehen nach draußen, wo sich ein Swimming Pool befindet.)
Mr. Krabs: So I can open me latest money maker, The Krusty Pool! dt.: Damit ich meinen neuesten Geldbringer eröffnen kann, den Krossen Pool!
SpongeBob: But what about winter sports, Mr. Krabs? dt.: Und was ist mit Wintersport, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: Eh, forget winter, boy, we’re talking about sun bathing and swimming all year long!
dt.: Ach, vergiss den Winter, wir können das ganze Jahr in der Sonne liegen und schwimmen!
SpongeBob: Hm.. The endless summer does sound like fun! dt.:Hmm, enloses Sommer klingt nach Spaß!
Mr. Krabs: And profitible! dt.:Und profitabel!
SpongeBob: Fun and profitible! Big business does it again. I just wish the endless summer could start now! (Gets an idea) Hey!
(Cut to Mr. Krabs' office, where he plays with little clay figures.)
dt.:Spaß und gewinnbringend! Ich wünschte, der endlose Sommer begänne sofort! (Bekommt eine Idee) Hey!
Toy Mr. Krabs: Umbrellas are three dollars, sir! dt.: Schirme kosten 3 Dollar, Sir.
Toy Fish: Oh! What a bargain! I'll give you five!
Mr. Krabs: What the barnacles? It suddenly got a little warm in here! (Opening the door) Who turned up the hea-? (He sees many cars plugged into tubes like the one from earlier and goes outside) SpongeBob, what are you doing?
SpongeBob: Just throwing another tire for the fire for Global Warming, Mr. Krabs! (He laughs) Hey Look! It’s working! The entire town is heading to this way to cool off.
Mr. Krabs: You mean pay off! Hurry, SpongeBob, fill the pool, fill the pool!
SpongeBob: Aye, aye, sir!
Mr. Krabs: The money is ready folks! The line starts here! (The fish trample Mr. Krabs with only Patrick left.)
Mr. Krabs: Where’s everybody going?
Patrick: We are all moving to north! We can’t live here anymore! It’s too hot!
Mr. Krabs: All me customers are moving to cooler climates.
SpongeBob: Look at the bright side Mr. Krabs! There won’t be time to go to the pool! (He jumps into the pool, but suddenly the water evaporates.): Caaannooonnnbaaaalll!!! (He slams into the pool) Ouch!