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Dick, rosa und dumm (Episode)

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{{EpInfo|Dick, rosa und dumm|[[Bild:23a Episodenkarte-Dick,_rosa_und_dumm.jpg]]|23a|2/2000|Big Pink Loser|16.11.2000|06.11.2002|Die Kuschel-Krabbe|Bernhard Blase}}
{{EpInfo | Dick, pink and stupid | [[image: map Episode 23 a-Dick, _rosa_und_dumm.jpg]] | 23a | 2 / 2000 | Big Pink Loser | 11/16/2000 | 06/11/2002 | The Stuffed Crab | Bernhard bubble }}
{{EpInfo2|SpongeBob Schwammkopf|Santiago Ziesmer}}
{{EpInfo2 | SpongeBob SquarePants | Santiago Ziesmer}}
{{EpInfo2|Patrick Star|Marco Kröger}}
{{EpInfo2 | Patrick Star | Marco Kröger}}
{{EpInfo2|Thaddäus Tentakel|Eberhard Prüter}}
{{EpInfo2 | Squidward Tentacles | Eberhard Prüter}}
{{EpInfo2|Gary|Tom Kenny}}
{{EpInfo2 | Gary | Marco Kröger}}
{{EpInfo2 | postman | Santiago Ziesmer}}
{{EpInfo2|Nat Peterson|-}}
{{EpInfo2 | Nat Peterson |Eberhard Prüter }}
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! colspan="2" |<center>[[Bild:SpongePat.jpg]]</center>„Erstaunlich, wie andere Kleidung aus jemandem einen... SpongeBob... macht...
! colspan = "2" | <center> [[Image: SpongePat.jpg]] </ center> "It's amazing how different clothes from someone a ... SpongeBob ... makes ... "
<small>© Viacom</small>
<small> © Viacom </ small>
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In der Episode '''Dick, rosa und dumm''' aus der [[Episoden/2. Staffel|zweiten Staffel]] eifert [[Patrick Star|Patrick]] verzweifelt seinem Freund [[SpongeBob Schwammkopf|SpongeBob]] nach, da Patrick auch mal so viel Erfolg haben möchte wie er.
In the episode'''Dick, pink and stupid''' from the [[episodes / 2 Season | Season Two]] jealous [[Patrick Star | Patrick]] despairs of his friend [[SpongeBob SquarePants | SpongeBob]] for, as Patrick would sometimes have as much success as he.
== Plot ==
An einem friedlichen Morgen kriegt [[Patrick Star|Patrick]] ein Paket geliefert. Er packt es aus. Darin befindet sich ein [[Pokal für überragende Leistungen im Leistungsleisten|Pokal]], den er sofort [[SpongeBob Schwammkopf|SpongeBob]] zeigen will. Als SpongeBob lesen will, wofür Patrick den Preis bekommen hat, merkt er, dass die Auszeichnung eigentlich für ihn bestimmt ist. Patrick ist daraufhin sehr geknickt und will den Preis behalten. SpongeBob will Patrick trösten, doch der rennt sofort in die Preisekammer von SpongeBob. Dort kommen alle Preise herausgeflogen und begraben Patrick regelrecht, sodass er traurig beschließt, unbedingt auch mal einen Preis gewinnen zu wollen. SpongeBob erklärt ihm, dass er dafür jedoch auch etwas zustande bringen müsse und schlägt ihm vor, einen Job in der [[Krosse Krabbe|Krossen Krabbe]] anzunehmen. Leider erweist sich Patrick als ganz und gar unfähig und sorgt lediglich für Zerstörung und Durcheinander. SpongeBob, um ein kleines Erfolgserlebnis für Patrick bemüht, versucht nun, ihm beizubringen, wie man einen Deckel von einem Glas abnimmt. Auch hierbei stellt sich der Seestern alles andere als geschickt an, doch letztendlich schafft er es mithilfe von SpongeBobs Anweisungen.<br>
On a peaceful morning get [[Patrick Star | Patrick]] a package delivered. He tells all. This is a [[trophy for outstanding performance in the power strips | Cup]], which he immediately | will [[SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob]] show. As SpongeBob wants to read what Patrick has received the price, he noted that the award is meant for him. Patrick is very bent, and then wants to keep the price. SpongeBob wants to comfort Patrick, but the runs immediately into the prices of Appeal of SpongeBob. There are all flying out prices and buried Patrick really so sad, he decides, be sure to do sometimes win a prize. SpongeBob tells him that he it would also bring about something and suggested him a job in the [[Krusty Krab | Krusty Krab]] to accept. Unfortunately, Patrick proves to be utterly incompetent and only takes care of destruction and confusion. SpongeBob, trying to experience a little success to Patrick, is trying to teach him how to decrease a lid of a jar. Here again is the starfish to anything sent, but in the end, he succeeds in using SpongeBob's instructions. <br>
Auf dem Weg nach Hause sagt SpongeBob zu Patrick, dass er alles so machen soll wie er, dann würde sich der Erfolg schon einstellen. Das macht Patrick am nächsten Tag auch. Und da SpongeBob so viele Preise bekommt, hat Patrick offenbar beschlossen, seinem Freund wirklich alles nachzumachen.Er kleidet sich wie SpongeBob, er ist sogar in der Lage, jedes einzelne Wort und jede Geste SpongeBobs praktisch gleichzeitig mit diesem zu vollführen. Klar, dass das SpongeBob sehr stört. Um den alten Patrick wiederzubekommen, verkleidet sich SpongeBob als Patrick. Als die beiden miteinander diskutieren, was so toll daran sei, wie Patrick zu sein, bekommt SpongeBob wieder einen Preis. Doch der Preis ist dieses Mal für Patrick bestimmt: Es ist ein Preis für den [[Pokal für den größten Faulpelz und Nichtstuer| größten Faulpelz und Nichtstuer]], den es je gegeben hat! Und so nehmen sie wieder alte Gestalt an und Patrick geht heim, um seine Auszeichnung zu verteidigen.
On the way home to SpongeBob says Patrick that he should do everything just as he would then success already set. Patrick makes the next day too. And when SpongeBob gets so many awards, Patrick has obviously decided his friend really all nachzumachen.Er dressed like SpongeBob, he is even capable of every word and gesture SpongeBob perform virtually the same time as this. Clear that SpongeBob is very disturbing. To recover the old Patrick, SpongeBob disguises himself as Patrick. When discussing the two together, what is so great a thing to be Patrick, SpongeBob gets back a price. But the price is determined this time to Patrick: There is a price for the [[trophy for the most lazy and loafers | most lazy and idlers]], the world has ever seen! And so they revert to old form and Patrick goes home to defend his honor.
==Trivia und Fehler==
== Trivia == and error
*SpongeBob ist der Springseil-Champion von [[Bikini Bottom]].
* SpongeBob is the jump rope champion of [[Bikini Bottom.]]
*SpongeBob hat in dieser Episode ungewöhnlich viele Preise, die er sonst nicht hat.
* SpongeBob in this episode unusually many awards he has elsewhere.
*SpongeBob und Patrick holen sich die Mützen von Haken in der Krossen Krabbe, in anderen Episoden haben der Schwamm und Thaddäus sie schon auf dem Weg zur Krossen Krabbe an.
* SpongeBob and Patrick get the hats from hooks in the Krusty Krab, in other episodes have the sponge and Thaddeus they already on the way to the Krusty Krab.
*In dieser Episode hat [[Patrick Star|Patrick]] einen Briefkasten.
* This episode has [[Patrick Star | Patrick]] a mailbox.
*In dieser Episode tut Patrick alles dafür, um einen Preis zu bekommen. In der Episode [[Das große Schneckenrennen (Episode)|Das große Schneckenrennen]] jedoch verschenkt er seinen Preis sogar freiwillig.
* In this episode, Patrick is doing everything possible to get a prize. In the episode [[The Great Snail Race (episode) | The Great Snail Race]] but he gives away his prize, even voluntarily.
*Als [[SpongeBob Schwammkopf|SpongeBob]] und Patrick zusammen überlegen, welche Arbeit für den Seestern am besten wäre, kommt dieser auf die Idee, eine Job in der Krossen Krabbe anzunehmen. Ihm ist also das Restaurant und der Name bekannt. Als [[Patrick]] in seiner neuen Arbeitsstätte ans Telefon geht, weiß er jeoch nicht mehr, dass das Restaurant den Namen „[[Krosse Krabbe]]" trägt.
* When [[SpongeBob SquarePants | SpongeBob]] and Patrick think together, work for which the starfish would be best if this gets the idea to take a job at the Krusty Krab. So he and the restaurant's name is known. As is [[Patrick]] in his new place of work on the phone, he knows jeoch not that the restaurant's name "[[Krusty Krab]]" with.
*SpongeBob muss Mr. Krabs, während er arbeitet, Geld zahlen.
* Mr. Krabs has SpongeBob as he works to pay money.
==Alle Charaktere==
== All Characters ==
'''© Viacom'''
'''© Viacom'''
Bild:Spongebob schielt.jpg|[[SpongeBob Schwammkopf]]
Image: Spongebob schielt.jpg | [[SpongeBob SquarePants]]
Datei:32b Patrick-Schwammlutscher.jpg|[[Patrick Star]]
File: 32b-Patrick Schwammlutscher.jpg | [[Patrick Star]]
Image: Smilingary.jpg | [[Gary]]
Bild:Squidasticvoyage.JPG|[[Thaddäus Tentakel]]
Image: Squidasticvoyage.JPG | [[Squidward Tentacles]]
Datei:76b Briefträger-SpongeBob.jpg|[[Briefträger]]
File: 76b postmen SpongeBob.jpg | [[mailman]]
Bild:Peterson2.jpg|[[Nat Peterson]] (r.)
Image: Peterson2.jpg | [[Nat Peterson]] (right)
</ Gallery>
== Quotes ==
*'''SpongeBob''': „Ja, aber wenn du ´nen Preis gewinnen willst, musst du irgendwas tun.<br>'''Patrick''': „Hmm, dann besieg ich den riesigen bösen Monkey-Man und rette die neunte Dimension!“ <br>'''SpongeBob''': „Find ich gut! Aber das ist ganz schön schwer. Fang mit was Kleinerem an.“ <br>'''Patrick''': „Ich besiege den kleinen bösen Monkey-Man und rette die achte Dimension.
*'''Spongebob:''' 'Yes, but if you' want to win NEN price, you have to do something. "<br>'''Patrick''':" Hmm, then I beat the giant evil Monkey-Man and save the ninth dimension <br>''SpongeBob''': "I like that! But that is quite heavy. Start with what at the smaller "<br>'''Patrick'''." I defeat the evil little monkey-man rescue and the eighth dimension. "
*'''Patrick''': „Das war aber nett von Mr. Krabs, dass er mir ´nen Job gegeben hat.<br>'''SpongeBob''': „Und das für $50 die Stunde! Als ich hier angefangen habe musste ich Mr. Krabs $100 die Stunde geben.
*'''Patrick''': "That was nice of Mr. Krabs, giving me 'has given a job." <br>''SpongeBob''': "And for $ 50 an hour! When I started here I had to give Mr. Krabs $ 100 the hour. "
*'''SpongeBob''': „Aha! Du machst mir alles nach!<br>'''Patrick''': „Ja!“ <br>'''SpongeBob''': „Und warum machst du das?“ <br>'''Patrick''': „Damit ich ´nen Preis kriege, so wie du.“ <br>'''SpongeBob''': „Das nervt aber, hör auf damit.<br>'''Patrick''': „Hör' auf damit.
*'''Spongebob:''' 'Aha! You make me after all "<br>'''Patrick''':" Yes "<br>''SpongeBob''':" And why do you do that "<br>''' Patrick?'' '"By that I' get NEN price, like you" <br>''SpongeBob''': "It's annoying but, stop it." <br>''' Patrick''': "Home on it. "
::(''SpongeBob redet und Patrick sagt alles nach.'')
::('' SpongeBob and Patrick talk to says it all.'')
:'''SpongeBob''': (''denkt'') „Wenigstens weiß er nicht, was ich denke.
:'''Spongebob:''' (''think'') "At least he does not know what I think."
:'''Patrick''': (''denkt'') „Wenigstens weiß er nicht, was ich denke.
:'''Patrick''' (''think'') "At least he does not know what I think."
==Videos, Mitschrift und Bewertung==
== Videos, taking notes and assessment ==
MyVideo {{| 5919763}}
Veoh {{|}} v6602194wkBgxM3d
{{Episodenmitschrift| Dick, rosa und dumm}}
{{Episode Transcript | Dick, pink and stupid}}
{{Bewertung|2|Dick, rosa und dumm}}
{{Rating | 2 | Dick, pink and stupid}}
<br>{{Staffel 2}}
<br> {{Season 2}}

Version vom 9. Oktober 2010, 02:59 Uhr

Dick, pink and stupid
Datei:Map Episode 23 a-Dick, rosa und dumm.jpg

© Viacom

Episodennummer: 23a
2 / 2000
Originaltitel: Big Pink Loser
Vorherige Episode: The Stuffed Crab
Nächste Episode: Bernhard bubble
Charaktere Synchronsprecher
SpongeBob SquarePants Santiago Ziesmer
Patrick Star Marco Kröger
Squidward Tentacles Eberhard Prüter
Gary Marco Kröger
postman Santiago Ziesmer
Nat Peterson Eberhard Prüter
SpongePat.jpg </ center> "It's amazing how different clothes from someone a ... SpongeBob ... makes ... "

© Viacom </ small>


In the episodeDick, pink and stupid from the Season Two jealous Patrick despairs of his friend SpongeBob for, as Patrick would sometimes have as much success as he.


On a peaceful morning get Patrick a package delivered. He tells all. This is a Cup, which he immediately | will SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob show. As SpongeBob wants to read what Patrick has received the price, he noted that the award is meant for him. Patrick is very bent, and then wants to keep the price. SpongeBob wants to comfort Patrick, but the runs immediately into the prices of Appeal of SpongeBob. There are all flying out prices and buried Patrick really so sad, he decides, be sure to do sometimes win a prize. SpongeBob tells him that he it would also bring about something and suggested him a job in the Krusty Krab to accept. Unfortunately, Patrick proves to be utterly incompetent and only takes care of destruction and confusion. SpongeBob, trying to experience a little success to Patrick, is trying to teach him how to decrease a lid of a jar. Here again is the starfish to anything sent, but in the end, he succeeds in using SpongeBob's instructions.
On the way home to SpongeBob says Patrick that he should do everything just as he would then success already set. Patrick makes the next day too. And when SpongeBob gets so many awards, Patrick has obviously decided his friend really all nachzumachen.Er dressed like SpongeBob, he is even capable of every word and gesture SpongeBob perform virtually the same time as this. Clear that SpongeBob is very disturbing. To recover the old Patrick, SpongeBob disguises himself as Patrick. When discussing the two together, what is so great a thing to be Patrick, SpongeBob gets back a price. But the price is determined this time to Patrick: There is a price for the most lazy and idlers, the world has ever seen! And so they revert to old form and Patrick goes home to defend his honor.

== Trivia == and error

  • SpongeBob is the jump rope champion of Bikini Bottom.
  • SpongeBob in this episode unusually many awards he has elsewhere.
  • SpongeBob and Patrick get the hats from hooks in the Krusty Krab, in other episodes have the sponge and Thaddeus they already on the way to the Krusty Krab.
  • This episode has Patrick a mailbox.
  • In this episode, Patrick is doing everything possible to get a prize. In the episode The Great Snail Race but he gives away his prize, even voluntarily.
  • When SpongeBob and Patrick think together, work for which the starfish would be best if this gets the idea to take a job at the Krusty Krab. So he and the restaurant's name is known. As is Patrick in his new place of work on the phone, he knows jeoch not that the restaurant's name "Krusty Krab" with.
  • Mr. Krabs has SpongeBob as he works to pay money.

All Characters

© Viacom


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